Teaching Resources
The Men Who Made Tennessee—John Donelson, James Robertson, John Sevier, and Nancy Ward—are specifically listed in the fifth grade Tennessee Social Studies Standards. Click below for free downloadable resources along with lesson plan instructions.
Watauga Compact
Students will read both books. Students will take notes using the graphic organizer on the front. They will then use the graphic organizer to complete a writing assignment on the back. A writing rubric is included to help students self-assess (or assess a partner’s writing). Reading both books, completing the graphic organizer, and evaluating their writing using the writing rubric will take upper elementary students about 45-60 minutes to complete.
Cumberland Compact
Students will read both books. Students will take notes using the graphic organizer on the front. They will then use the graphic organizer to complete a writing assignment on the back. A writing rubric is included to help students self-assess (or assess a partner’s writing). Reading both books, completing the graphic organizer, and evaluating their writing using the writing rubric will take upper elementary students about 45-60 minutes to complete.